Size: 8 Gallon, 20in x 24in
How it works: Fill this bag with stretchy plastic film items, and when it's full set it out with your compost bin to be collected for free. If you're not a CompostNow Home Service Member, you can schedule your pick-up using this link.
Includes: Produce bags, plastic shipping envelopes, bread bags, dry cleaning bags, case wraps, shipping air pillows, plastic grocery bags, food storage (Ziploc) bags, product overwrap, and bubble wrap.
Tip: Does it stretch or does it crunch? If it stretches, use this bag. To test, take a single layer of the film and try to put your thumb through it. If it gives or stretches, then it will go with Stretchy Plastic Film.
Instructions: Stretchy plastic film must be empty, clean, and dry.
Where Does It Go: Live Thrive's CHaRM to Trex to be turned into composite decking.
FAQs: Visit our program detail page.